In the past few months since Gen Con, we have worked to refine the game. We've attend three game designer playtest nights at The Rook OTR and attended CinCityCon in Cincinnati. With the recent changes, the 4-player game is now running about 60 to 90 minutes, which is a major improvement. We have been able to reduce the game play time and player down time by making the resource matching slightly easier. However as an option, we may add 15 more difficult resource matching cards for more experienced players. The prototype card designs were tweaked and we replaced wording on some cards with icons. We will continue to playtest and refine however, we feel the game is ready for Kickstarter.
Next on our to do list is start putting the Kickstarter project outline together, contracting some artists, hire a layout designer, start collecting bids from printers, create some demo copies to get out for reviews and hundreds of other details. We were hoping for a January 2017 launch, but we want to do it right. We are now targeting a launch for sometime in March 2017. Thanks ~Mike Warth
Dwarven Smithy
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